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Housing Plus Group secures £70 million funding deal

Our ambitious plans to deliver 2000 new homes by 2023 have received a substantial boost with the announcement of a significant finance deal.

We’ve extended our existing Revolving Credit Facility (RCF) from £15m to £45m for a further three years, bringing the total amount of finance available through all forms of lending from Barclays Bank to £70m.

The new facility follows last year’s merger with Stafford and Rural Homes and represents a huge vote of confidence in our financial stability. It also reflects the strong finances of the group, although we are grateful to Barclays for delivering on this financial package during difficult and uncertain times for the economy due to the coronavirus pandemic.

As well as providing us significant financial flexibility and liquidity in the medium-term, the arrangement will help us to deliver on our merger objectives, including a pledge to begin building much needed new homes in Staffordshire and Shropshire for rent and shared ownership.

We already manage 18,000 homes across the two counties as well as providing a wide range of care services. With more than 800 staff we’re also a leading employer, and driven by a set of clear values that put homes, lives and communities at the heart of our operations.

The deal comes as we also press ahead with other key objectives, including the delivery of a third more hours of care and support and the creation of 100 new apprenticeships in the Group and its supply chain within the next five years.

The latest RCF from Barclays was secured with the help of Savills Financial Consultants (SFC) and Anthony Collins Solicitors and both companies have expressed their confidence in us.

James Chivers, Relationship Director, Barclays Public Sector Team, said Barclays looks forward to working closely with us to help achieve our objectives.

Meanwhile Sean Escott, Director at SFC said Housing Plus Group has secured increased liquidity in difficult times because of its underlying financial strength and its ability to build strong relationships with key partners.
