Head Office: 0800 048 8955


How are we doing?

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) were introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing to enable tenants to scrutinise our performance and give us insight about where we can improve. Our latest results are now available.

See our results You said, we’re doing

Annual reports

Annual report 2022-23

Housing Plus Group, Annual Report 2022-23

Annual report 2021-22

Housing Plus Group, Annual Report 2021-22

Annual report 2020-21

Housing Plus Group, Annual Report 2020-21

Housing Plus Group, Annual Report 2019-20

Housing Plus Group, Annual Report 2018-19

Stafford and Rural Homes, Annual Report 2018-19

Housing Plus Group, Annual Report 2017-18

Housing Plus Group, Annual Report 2016-17

Anti-fraud policy

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Concern at work (whistleblowing) policy


Customer engagement strategy

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategy

Modern slavery policy
