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It’s National Volunteers’ Week!

In Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June), we are joining with charities and community-focused organisations right across the UK, to recognise the contribution of volunteers everywhere.

The theme of this year’s event is Celebrate and Inspire. We are celebrating the dedicated volunteers among our colleagues, customers and neighbourhoods who inspire us to make a positive difference to homes, lives and communities.

Our Homes Plus My Community Fund supports voluntary groups, charities and grass roots organisations in our communities. Last week we supported the Shrewsbury and Oswestry Crucial Crew event, attended by around 1,500 children from up to 60 primary schools as part of the all-important preparation for secondary school.

We are big admirers of Crucial Crew and as well making a donation from My Community Fund to support their great training on topics like internet safety, first aid and the dangers of building sites, farms, rivers and railways, some of our colleagues also helped out at the event as volunteers.

We’re also lucky to have a group of involved tenants who generously give up their time to help improve the services that we offer to our customers. Dave is the chair of our involved customer panel and says he is proud to volunteer to help improve the experience for our customers.

He said: “I believe we are making a positive difference and I’m proud of the work that we do. I would encourage more people to join us in our partnership with Homes Plus and to make sure that customers’ voices are heard.”

We’re really proud of the work that all our involved customers do. They are at the heart of Homes Plus to ensure that our customers’ views are considered on how we are run and the work that we do.

There are some really rewarding volunteering opportunities in our Care Plus retirement living communities. Now retired, Nita is one of the local people getting involved:

“I’m not someone who can do nothing. I live by myself and I like meeting people, so volunteering helps me, too. I’ve done lots of different things. I’ve run bingo sessions and helped out at a breakfast club. I drop in to coffee mornings and take part in the craft workshops, where I’m working with one of the residents who is making her own greetings cards.

“I’ve got a whole new set of friends and people say to me, ‘You make such a difference, don’t ever stop’. Volunteering is incredibly rewarding. You get out as much as you put in.”

Get involved: if you’re inspired to volunteer, get in touch with our customer engagement and support team by emailing engagement&volunteering@care-plus.org.uk You can find opportunities to get involved with us on the national volunteering database https://doit.life/volunteer
