Message from the Chair
This report reflects upon a year like no other.
Following the successful merger between Housing Plus Group and Stafford and Rural Homes at the end of 2019, our expanded Group was preparing to meet the challenges of integration, harmonisation and delivery against a hugely ambitious corporate plan.
As we now know, there were even bigger challenges ahead. This financial year began and ended in lockdown.
Our vision is to make a positive difference, for homes, lives and communities. In this, the first year of our new Group, we undeniably accomplished that.
I have been very proud of the calm, resilient and focused response of our boards, the executive team and all those who did not hesitate to work differently to protect essential services and maintain the safety of customers and colleagues.
As you will see in this report, positive results have been achieved in an exceptional operating environment. Not only have business areas continued to deliver against key performance indicators, they have already begun to meet the commitments made on merger, building more affordable homes, providing additional care for older customers and enhanced employment opportunities for local people.
Our vision is to make a positive difference, for homes, lives and communities. In this, the first year of our new Group, we undeniably accomplished that.