Head Office: 0800 048 8955

Co-creating our 23-24 Homes Plus Annual Report with customers

It’s National Involvement Week (14-18 October)

Yesterday was the start of Tpas’ National Involvement Week which shines a spotlight on and celebrates all forms of resident, tenant, and customer-led involvement, from grassroots community initiatives to boardroom decisions!

Tpas is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes, supports and champions tenant involvement and empowerment in social housing across England.

To kick off the week, we’re hearing from our involved customers who helped to create our 23-24 Annual Report.

We are committed to improving your experience. We believe the way to do this is by listening to your views and involving you in the way we shape our services, to make sure they are meaningful and effective.

This includes involving you in how we report on our performance. That’s why we created our Annual Report with a group of involved customers from our Customer Partnership Panel (CPP), who helped to inform the design and content of the report. They told us the report should be kept short and simple and that they would like to see comparisons of some of this year’s results against the achievements of last year.

The panel members also appear in a short video, included in the report on the Homes Plus website, where they spoke about the positive differences they have made during 2023-24. It was a busy year for the CPP, working with our repairs team on a new damp and mould process, providing feedback on how we manage complaints leading to the creation of our new Customer Advocacy team and reviewing new and updated policies that we introduced.

Our CPP, board members and Homes Plus colleagues also took part in an away day which focussed on our Customer Engagement Strategy, our new Service Improvement Tracker and a discussion about how we are building a stronger relationship between the CPP and the Homes Plus Board.

Pam, a CPP member and co-creator of our Annual Report, said: “As a CPP member we’re able to get together with other people who are part of the Homes Plus family. We’re part of a process that can help Homes Plus as an organisation to improve and make a positive difference for customers going forward.

“Homes Plus brought the Annual Report to us and we were able to review it and ask questions and it’s great to have that communication between Homes Plus and its customers.”

Annie, a CPP member and co-creator of our Annual Report, said: “I enjoy being part of the CPP as we get to meet people who work for Homes Plus in online meetings, but also in person at the Homes Plus offices and most recently at the Burton Square Community Hub.

“As a member of the CPP I want to make sure the feedback we provide helps to make improvements for other tenants, so it’s great to see the positive changes we have helped to make in the You Said We Did campaign.

“We had some very good feedback sessions about last year’s Annual Report and I hope we have helped to make this year’s report even easier to understand for customers.”

We are very grateful for all our involved customers’ suggestions and feedback.

You can read more information about the changes they’ve been involved by visiting https://www.homesplus.co.uk/my-home/improving-your-experience/you-said-were-doing-2/

If you would like to make a positive difference by helping us improve services, we’d love to hear from you! Simply complete our online form at www.homesplus.co.uk/get-involved, scan the QR code or call us on 0800 048 8955, to let us know that you are interested in being involved.
