Annual Report 2020-21
Throughout this year I have been inspired by the commitment of all our teams.
Les Clarke, Executive director of housing and care
Read moreRon’s a lockdown hero
Supporting the award-winning BeConnected project in Stafford borough, Gnosall resident Ron’s telephone bingo sessions brought some very welcome laughter into the lives of people who could experience particular feelings of loneliness in lockdown.
Read moreSevernside Housing answers emergency appeal
Shrewsbury Foodbank at Barnabus makes a big difference to the lives of people and families in crisis. So when the food bank needed help, we were delighted to step in.
Housing Plus Group launches community grants initiative
We remain committed to making a positive difference to homes, lives and communities in the areas we serve and this mission is set to receive a practical boost with the launch of a new grant scheme.
Thousands of customers benefit from reassurance calls
Housing Plus Group steps up its efforts to support vulnerable people in the communities we serve.